The best vitamins for hair growth and thickening quickly

The best vitamins for hair growth and thickening quickly

It is known that vitamins are important and necessary for normal growth and development; They help in the formation of bones, skin, muscles, and others for the development and growth of the fetus. Once the human growth is complete, vitamins become essential nutrients to maintain cells, tissues and organs and are necessary and necessary for the body to obtain energy, so we offer you the best vitamins to lengthen and intensify hair quickly.

In the past, the only source of vitamins was food, before 1935. In the event of a lack of vitamins, a person would suffer from diseases resulting from a lack of this vitamin. With the development, the production of vitamin B complex extracted from yeast and vitamin C tablets, and in the fifties multivitamins were produced.

Vitamins are classified into two categories:
Either fat-soluble vitamins, or water-soluble vitamins.

Or not. Fat-soluble vitamins:
This type of vitamins is absorbed through the gut with the help of fats, and it is represented in vitamin (D, A, E, and K), the body does not need to get them on a daily basis because the body stores them.

secondly. Water-soluble vitamins:
It is nine different vitamins (vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B9, B12), in general they dissolve easily and are also easily excreted from the body and this is evident in the urine when consuming the vitamin.

Since it is not easily stored in the body, it is necessary to take it regularly.

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Vitamins have various functions:
There are many vitamins, and with their multiplicity, their functions are multiplied. Each vitamin has several functions, as a result of the vitamin entering into multiple interactions, including:

As metabolic cofactors, they frequently enter into the process of modulating enzyme activity or are considered an integral part of synthetic enzyme groups.

Of which, it acts as coenzymes in the metabolism process, so vitamins play an active role in complex biochemical reactions, and these reactions are important for metabolism and the production of energy, proteins and nucleic acids.

Including helps in genetic or genetic regulation, thus contributing to an important role in regulating and controlling the process of gene transcription as a finger that binds to DNA and regulates transcription of steroid hormone receptors and other factors.

Including works as antioxidants and is characterized by vitamins more than others.

Best vitamins for hair growth
We will mention to you a list of vitamins, their sources, and the functions and role of each vitamin separately, as follows:

Vitamin A:
It works on bone growth, reproduction and cell division, and plays an important role in vision and helps regulate the immune system as it helps to fend off and prevent infections by producing white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses and helps white blood cells to fight infections efficiently, and vitamin A helps to Maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, which also act as a barrier to bacteria and viruses.

It also prepares the surface linings of the eyes, intestinal areas, breathing and urination systems, as it acts as a barrier to bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin A sources:
It can be obtained from animal sources such as fish of all kinds, eggs, liver, animal butter, full-fat or fat-free dairy products, and powdered milk, where fat is replaced with vitamin A.

Vitamin A from animal sources is easily absorbed and used by the body very efficiently.

Vitamin A can also be obtained from vegetable sources such as: carrots, spinach, vegetable butter, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, oranges, yellow fruits, pumpkin, squash and leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin A is absorbed from plant sources, but not as efficiently as from animal sources.

Vitamin A deficiency:
It causes night blindness and also contributes to eye blindness due to dryness of the cornea and the destruction of the retina and cornea.

It also reduces the ability to resist infections, making it easier to contract diseases, especially infectious diseases.

It causes slow development of the digestive system and a decrease in the growth rate of individuals.

Reducing the chance of surviving serious diseases.

Vitamin B1:
It is an essential vitamin, which cannot be manufactured in the body. It is found in food, nutritional supplements or medicine. It is considered one of the necessary vitamins for the metabolism process and is also used to treat urine disease and beriberi.

Sources of Vitamin B1:
It can be obtained from animal sources such as: meat, fish, liver and eggs.

It can also be obtained from plant sources such as: lentils, peas, whole grains, brown rice, vegetables, potatoes, especially nuts, which are rich in vitamin B1 in addition to its presence in processed foods.

It is in turn an important vitamin as it helps convert food into energy and is necessary for the safety of the skin, hair and muscles, and necessary for pregnant and lactating women because of their increased need for it to compensate for the deficiency resulting from the transmission of the vitamin to the fetus or infant in addition to that it plays an important role in the poor brain development of the infant, which can lead to to sudden infant death syndrome.

Effects of Vitamin B1 Deficiency:
Severe vitamin B1 deficiency is extremely dangerous to the brain, nervous system, heart, muscles, stomach and intestines. Chronic and acute vitamin B deficiency also causes peripheral nerve disease, nervous system complications, heart failure, weight loss, agitation, confusion and malaise.

Vitamin B2:
Vitamin B2 is important for maintaining the health and growth of the body. It is necessary for many vital processes of the human body, especially metabolic processes, to produce the necessary energy for the body and maintain the mucous membranes of the skin and eyes and the production of red blood cells. It also contributes to the formation of amino acids and is important to enhance the functions of enzymes

A person needs to eat foods rich in vitamin B2 on a daily basis to maintain the health of the body, and for 

Despite its presence in the liver and kidneys in small quantities, these quantities are not sufficient to meet the needs of the body.

Vitamin B2 breaks down by exposure to light and alkalis. Therefore, it is advised not to place foods and beverages containing vitamin B2 inside glass containers exposed to the sun, and to prevent the use of sodium bicarbonate while soaking legumes. The World Health Organization has recommended fortifying bread and cereals with vitamin B2 for their regular consumption by the population.

Vitamin B2 deficiency:
Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to glossitis and angular cheilitis.

Vitamin B2 sources:
Vitamin B2 can be obtained from animal and vegetable sources:

Such as: liver, eggs, oysters, chicken thighs, fat and fat-free dairy, cottage cheese, yogurt, all dairy products, broccoli, spinach, bananas and green beans.

There are special cases that require excessive doses of vitamin B2:
A person may need extra doses of vitamin B2 in the following cases:

Pregnancy and lactation - Persistent diarrhea - Burns - Persistent fever - Liver disease - Constant stress - Cancer - Infections - Hyperthyroidism - Gastric bypass surgery - Intestinal diseases - Alcoholism - Newborns due to exposure to light therapy.

Vitamin B2 has no side effects, as it is stored in the body in only small quantities, and the excessive dose of it is excreted from the body through the urine.

Vitamin B3:
Vitamin B3 is one of the important vitamins as it is used to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and also reduces the incidence of diabetes and also reduces the risk of osteoporosis. It also maintains the health, youth and purity of the skin and has an important role in nourishing hair as it contributes to hair growth and reduce hair loss. .

Vitamin B3 sources:
Vitamin B3 can be obtained from leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, dates, avocados, mushrooms and walnuts.

It can also be obtained from animal sources such as eggs, milk, fish, poultry and red meat.

Vitamin B3 deficiency:
Vitamin B3 deficiency causes pellagra, which is characterized by diarrhoea, pigmentation and thickening of the skin, stomatitis and delirium.

Anemia, headache, fatigue, and its deficiency also causes common psychological symptoms, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, fatigue, memory loss, insomnia, apathy and depression.

Vitamin B5:
It is one of the vitamins dissolved in water, it helps in the digestion of fats and the manufacture of cholesterol as it enters the manufacture of neurotransmitters and is also used in natural medicine as a substitute for cortisone, and is very important and necessary for the healthy growth of hair

Vitamin B5 sources:
It can be obtained from meat, chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, broccoli and avocados.

Vitamin B5 deficiency:
Vitamin B5 deficiency causes some symptoms such as allergies, adrenal gland hormone deficiency and rheumatoid arthritis, and some studies have shown that acne may be linked to it.

Vitamin B6:
Important and necessary for the metabolism and conversion of amino acids and plays an important role in the formation of adipose tissue.

It is needed to build hemoglobin and has an active role in building antibodies in the blood.

It also contributes to converting proteins, fats and starches into energy and produces lymphocytes.

It is an important vitamin that works on the production of neurotransmitters in the nervous system and is therefore responsible for mood and also for neurological and psychological disorders.

Vitamin B6 is not stored inside the human body, and therefore individuals can only obtain vitamin B6 through the diet, either through plants or other animals. So people have to get it from outside.

Vitamin B6 sources:
It can be obtained from animal sources such as: red meat, birds and fish, which are generally good sources. It also contains dairy products, eggs, mollusks and crustaceans, but at a lower level.

Vitamin B6 deficiency:
Vitamin B6 deficiency causes anemia and peripheral neuropathy.

Vitamin B7:
It is responsible for metabolic processes, healthy skin, hair and nails, cholesterol regulation, and maintaining blood sugar levels.

Vitamin B7 sources:
It is found in almost all natural foods and is found in egg yolks, liver, leafy greens, peanuts and carrots.

Diseases caused by vitamin B7 deficiency:
Vitamin B7 deficiency causes many diseases such as: hair loss, skin infections, lack of appetite, feeling dizzy, and inflammation of the intestines, and its deficiency also leads to the appearance of signs of depression.

Vitamin B9:
Known as (folic acid), it is an essential nutritional element and is very important in periods of rapid growth, pregnancy, adolescence and childhood with the support of vitamin B12. Its deficiency affects the hippocampus region of the brain responsible for processing memories and is necessary for women during pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

It also contributes to sperm formation, egg quality and maturation, placenta formation, fetal growth and organ development.

Vitamin B9 sources:
We can get vitamin B9 from leafy green vegetables such as spinach, turnip green and lettuce. It is also available in peas and dried beans. It is found in abundance in cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, red, yellow and green peppers, artichokes and other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid) and grains.

It is found in a high percentage in the liver.

Symptoms of Vitamin B9 deficiency:
Its deficiency leads to a type of anemia in which red blood cells become abnormally large and its symptoms include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, feeling tired and unable to concentrate, and its deficiency causes asthma  

It is open on the tongue, confusion, diarrhea, depression, change in skin color, hair color turning gray, tongue swelling, poor growth, impeding DNA formation and cell division, and also reduces the risk of cancer, stroke, obesity, depression and heart disease.

Vitamin B12:
Important in metabolism and contributes to the synthesis of DNA.

Vitamin B12 sources
Meat, liver, shellfish, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products.

Vitamin B12 deficiency:
Vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia that results in fatigue, weakness, feeling faint, shortness of breath, headache, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, depression, confusion, poor memory, hair loss, rapid heartbeat, decreased level of consciousness, abnormal sensations, stomach disorders, difficulty walking, pale skin, weak immunity and fertility problems. And interruption of blood circulation in women and possible dementia or the development of Alzheimer's.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause people over 60 years of age to develop symptoms of mania and delirium.

Vitamin B12 deficiency in infants also leads to stunted growth, nerve damage and anemia.

vitamin C:
It is found in many different foods and is sold as a dietary supplement. It is one of the types of vitamins important for human health because it helps in the re-growth of tissues.

Vitamin C sources:
It can be obtained from a vegetable source as it is available in many types of fruits such as guava, yellow and green kiwi, lemon peel, broccoli, bell pepper, papaya, strawberry, orange, lemon, grapefruit, mango, tangerine, tomato, pineapple, watermelon, banana and apple.

It can also be obtained from animal sources such as liver and oysters.

Vitamin C deficiency:
Vitamin C deficiency causes swelling of the gums, loosening of the teeth and possibly falling out, bleeding under the skin, delayed wound healing, simple anemia, weak immunity, shortness of breath, bone pain, general swelling and lack of urination.

Vitamin D:
It is fat-soluble and responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, phosphate and magnesium.

It is created in the lower layers of the epidermis, where it depends on exposure to sunlight, and is used to treat rickets and osteomalacia.

Vitamin D sources:
It can be obtained from eating foods or nutritional supplements, and whether it is obtained from one of the two ways, it takes two steps to activate it, the first in the liver and the second in the kidneys, and it can be synthesized by exposure to sufficient sunlight.

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